Chris Maxwell visit to Tintern Grammar
On the 21 March, the Hon Chris Maxwell AC visited Tintern Grammar to present to our Year 9 – 12 students about gender equity in society and the workplace.
Chris was born in Melbourne and studied at Melbourne Grammar. He received a Rhodes Scholarship to study law at the University of Oxford in England where he was admitted to the Bar as member of Lincoln’s Inn in 1978. He was admitted to the Victorian Bar in 1979 after returning home. He has recently retired from his position as President for the Court of Appeal of the Supreme Court of Victoria where he served for 17 years, working on many prominent cases such as Cardinal George Pell, Tony Mokbel and the Tampa case from the Norwegian container ship.
We were incredibly fortunate to have someone of such prominence present to our students. His first hand experiences and the actions described in his speech, supported our ongoing commitment to the understanding of equity in society and followed on from our International Women’s Day initiatives.
We thank Mr Maxwell for the opportunity to share his experience with our students.